This is my temporary web site, intended to serve as a sand box for learning more about WordPress. It will evolve, grow, change, and very often – be broken.
I’ve been using / playing with WP since Mingus (v1.2). It was residing on different web servers that I was building and killing in my basement. Each of those servers had an installation or two of the WP. Although I can be considered as an experienced WP user, I was only that – just an user. Trying different plugins, themes, little bit adjusting some of the themes … Nothing seriously. No consistent posting, no big traffic, no big deal.
Now, although I don’t work in the web industry as a professional anymore (been there from the end of the ’90s – ’till around 2003), I can confidently say that I have necessary skills for more serious meddling with the WP. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, … everything is here, it’s just little bit rusty. Engine needs some oiling and TLC. That’s going to be purpose of this site.
Jako si lepo to napisao! TI si moja ljubav i najpametniji cova na svetu.
Vollim te~
Tvoja Jelena