Category Archives: Linux

Computers and Open Source stuff.

PC in a Mac’s case

As I said to my friend Andrew, we are going to end up on “The (Electronics) Antique (read: mostly junk) Road Show”. And we are proud of it. My recent find is a Mac G4, almost complete. Time for a new project. I’m not going to try and restore the Mac. No, most of the parts are going back to the same recycling bin, but case is … I’ve never seen that good PC case. Here are the pictures:

Mac in the basement

Mac in the basement

Open case

Open case

Mac with distant relatives

Mac and its distant relatives

On the last picture is the Mac with its distant relatives: Sinclair’s ZX Spectrum (anyone remembers it? 48kB RAM!!!) and Acer’s Aspire One running UNR 9.04. Anyway, as you can see from the second picture, there is PS, mobo, dvd drive, video card. There was no hard disk in it, and whoever took it out, he didn’t leave the HD mounting bracket. No worries, there is two more still left in the case.

That’s going to be my fall/winter project: PC in the Mac’s case, running Ubuntu 64bit, whatever version is going to be the most recent, probably 9.10. I wont finish it before the release date, that’s for sure.

UNR 9.04beta on AA1

Hey, I’ve just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04beta daily build (.img file dated April 4, 2009). Here is the link to daily-live/current. It might change, of course. Not link, but .img file.

When tried previously, with alphas and previous beta builds, didn’t have luck with wireless and touchpad. Wifi didn’t work, and touchpad was flaky.

I have to report that today everything works without tweaking. Will test further and post it here.

Free 01

Well, I’m sitting in the SAIT library, and I’ve just found this on the Net. Here it goes:

“As we enjoy great advantages from the invention of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously.”

Benjamin Franklin, on declining patents offered by the governor of
Pennsylvania for his “Pennsylvania Fireplace”, c. 1744

OK, that’s enough for today, isn’t it?

Kernel panic? Server dead!

Well, my server with clarkconnect linux died a couple days ago. Kernel panicked and I didn’t have time to fix it. I just killed it, and installed IPCop instead. Works fine, so far. It’s an old box, Celeron 433MHz , 128Mb RAM and 4.3Gb HD. Little bit an overkill for the task, status said that average idle cpu is 98.79% and average free memory is 42.09%. Swap usage is 0 (zero).
So, that means that there is no more Gone. There is an extra NIC in the ipcop box for DMZ. Web server will be alive again, but not with clarkconnect linux. I do not have nothing against it, just want to try something new. Maybe gentoo, or debian? I don’t know yet. Have to find decent and cheap old box for it.

Scanner AcerScan 620U and Linux

How did I setup AcerScan 620U to work with SANE driver:
As a root, open file /etc/sane.d/dll.conf with your favorite editor (vi if you are on command line) and uncomment line snapscan.
Download firmware from I can’t remember exact address, but search for “acerscan 620u” or something.
Save firmware file somewhere in your home. Let’s say, ~/scan/u96v121.bin.
In the /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf put full path to the saved firmware.
firmware /home/goran/scan/u96v121.bin
Added on Dec. 26:
Looks like that 620U is not supported on benq web site (or I couldn’t find it). So, after little bit of googling, found drivers on a After 12Mb of download, open zip file. A firmware file sits in a bin directory.