Thanks to johngineer for the post. Everyone at my work loved it.
P.S. COAE stands for Calgary On Air Engineers 🙂
Thanks to johngineer for the post. Everyone at my work loved it.
P.S. COAE stands for Calgary On Air Engineers 🙂
This is my temporary web site, intended to serve as a sand box for learning more about WordPress. It will evolve, grow, change, and very often – be broken.
I’ve been using / playing with WP since Mingus (v1.2). It was residing on different web servers that I was building and killing in my basement. Each of those servers had an installation or two of the WP. Although I can be considered as an experienced WP user, I was only that – just an user. Trying different plugins, themes, little bit adjusting some of the themes … Nothing seriously. No consistent posting, no big traffic, no big deal.
Now, although I don’t work in the web industry as a professional anymore (been there from the end of the ’90s – ’till around 2003), I can confidently say that I have necessary skills for more serious meddling with the WP. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, … everything is here, it’s just little bit rusty. Engine needs some oiling and TLC. That’s going to be purpose of this site.
Finally, it’s done! It has been running for at least two months, but I was just lazy to post the news here. Here are some pictures:
Mac and 17' crt monitor
And here is Mac inside:
Open Mac (unlike Apple's)
Mac with new motherboard
Code and schematic for the LCD thermometer built with PICAXE 28X1.
Click on the schematic to get big picture, or click here for the pdf.
To copy the code, hover over the code and you’ll see four icons on top right. First icon opens new window with the code only, second icon copies the code to the clipboard, third icon prints the code (be careful with that, prints more than 5 pages, so don’t kill the trees).
; ================================================================= ; author: Goran Poprzen ; filename: lcd-temp-0.7.bas ; target: picaxe28x1 ; date: Jan 5, 2009 ; version: 0.7 ; description: Measures the temperature with DS18B20 temp. sensor ; and shows on the 2x16 char LCD display, ; also sends to the serial terminal, and ; checks against the limits and sets the output accordingly: ; high if temp. is lower then higher limit, ; low if temp. is higher then lower limit. ; Confusing, eh? Not really! ; ================================================================= ; picaxe28x1 variables ; bit0-31, b0-27, w0-13 ; variables used here: symbol lcdchar = b4 symbol lcdtmp = b5 symbol counter = b6 symbol position = b7 symbol tenths = b8 symbol ones = b9 ; 16-bit measured temperature symbol temp12 = w5 symbol temp12lo = b10 symbol temp12hi = b11 ; 16-bit lower temp. limit symbol TL = w6 symbol TLlo = b12 symbol TLhi = b13 ; 16-bit higher temp. limit symbol TH = w7 symbol THlo = b14 symbol THhi = b15 ; status of the output pin symbol LED = bit0 ; greetings message eeprom 0,("GPtronics 2010Thermometer") #rem here is the table for decimal part of the temp reading 0 / 16 = 0.0000 ==> 00 1 / 16 = 0.0625 ==> 06 2 / 16 = 0.1250 ==> 12 3 / 16 = 0.1875 ==> 19 4 / 16 = 0.2500 ==> 25 5 / 16 = 0.3125 ==> 31 6 / 16 = 0.3750 ==> 37 7 / 16 = 0.4375 ==> 44 8 / 16 = 0.5000 ==> 50 9 / 16 = 0.5625 ==> 56 10 / 16 = 0.6250 ==> 62 11 / 16 = 0.6875 ==> 69 12 / 16 = 0.7500 ==> 75 13 / 16 = 0.8125 ==> 81 14 / 16 = 0.8750 ==> 87 15 / 16 = 0.9375 ==> 94 #endrem ; two decimal digits rounding ; eeprom 32,("00061219253137445056626975818794") ; four decimal digits - not rounded eeprom 32,("0000062512501875250031253750437550005625625068757500812587509375") ; ================================================================= main: ; executed at the beginning gosub taketemp ; first measuring to determine initial status of the output relay gosub init gosub lcdinit ; initialization of the lcd display gosub hello ; greeting message - just for fun :) main2: ; loop gosub taketemp ; temperature measuring gosub checklimits ; checks measured temp. against limits and sets output accordingly gosub sendtemp ; sends data to rs-232 gosub showtemp ; converts numbers and shows them on lcd goto main2 ; loop again ; ================================================================= init: counter = 0 TLhi = 22 ; lower temperature limit TLlo = 0 THhi = 24 ; higher temperature limit THlo = 0 if temp12 <= TH then : gosub ledon : else : gosub ledoff : endif return ; ================================================================= lcdinit: pins = 0 pause 200 pins = 48 gosub pulsing gosub pulsing gosub pulsing pins = 32 gosub pulsing gosub pulsing pins = 128 gosub pulsing lcdchar = 14 gosub wrins lcdchar = 12 gosub wrins return pulsing: pulsout 3,3 pause 10 return ; ================================================================= wrchr: pins = lcdchar & 240 high 2 pulsout 3,1 lcdtmp = lcdchar * 16 pins = lcdtmp & 240 high 2 pulsout 3,1 return wrins: pins = lcdchar & 240 pulsout 3,1 lcdtmp = lcdchar *16 pins = lcdtmp & 240 pulsout 3,1 high 2 return ; ================================================================= hello: lcdchar = 1 gosub wrins lcdchar = 12 gosub wrins for counter = 0 to 13 read counter, lcdchar gosub wrchr next counter lcdchar = 192 gosub wrins for counter = 14 to 24 read counter, lcdchar gosub wrchr next counter pause 1000 lcdchar = 1 gosub wrins return ; ================================================================= taketemp: readtemp12 7, temp12 temp12 = temp12 * 16 temp12lo = temp12lo / 16 return ; ================================================================= sendtemp: #rem sertxd("Temp= ",#temp12hi," and ",#temp12lo,"/16 C",13,10) sertxd("TH= ",#THhi," and ",#THlo,"/16 C",13,10) sertxd("TL= ",#TLhi," and ",#TLlo,"/16 C",13,10) return #endrem sertxd("Temp= ",#temp12,13,10) sertxd("TH= ",#TH,13,10) sertxd("TL= ",#TL,13,10) return ; ================================================================= showtemp: lcdchar = 2 gosub wrins lcdchar = temp12hi / 100 if lcdchar = 0 then leadzero lcdchar = lcdchar + 48 goto nonleadzero leadzero: lcdchar = lcdchar + 32 nonleadzero: tenths = temp12hi // 100 gosub wrchr ; write 100s lcdchar = tenths / 10 lcdchar = lcdchar + 48 ones = tenths // 10 gosub wrchr ; write 10s lcdchar = ones lcdchar = lcdchar + 48 gosub wrchr ; write 1s lcdchar = "." gosub wrchr for counter = 0 to 3 position = temp12lo * 4 + 32 + counter read position, lcdchar gosub wrchr next counter lcdchar = 178 gosub wrchr lcdchar = "C" gosub wrchr return ; ================================================================= checklimits: if LED = 1 and temp12 > TH then gosub ledoff if LED = 0 and temp12 < TL then gosub ledon return ; ================================================================= ledoff: low portc 1 LED = 0 return ledon: high portc 1 LED = 1 return ; ================================================================= [/sourcecode]
That’s it. In the next episode, I’ll break-up the code and try to explain each subroutine.
Everything is stripped off. Case is ready for modifications.
Mac's bare case - front
Mac's bare case - back
As I said to my friend Andrew, we are going to end up on “The (Electronics) Antique (read: mostly junk) Road Show”. And we are proud of it. My recent find is a Mac G4, almost complete. Time for a new project. I’m not going to try and restore the Mac. No, most of the parts are going back to the same recycling bin, but case is … I’ve never seen that good PC case. Here are the pictures:
Mac in the basement
Open case
Mac and its distant relatives
On the last picture is the Mac with its distant relatives: Sinclair’s ZX Spectrum (anyone remembers it? 48kB RAM!!!) and Acer’s Aspire One running UNR 9.04. Anyway, as you can see from the second picture, there is PS, mobo, dvd drive, video card. There was no hard disk in it, and whoever took it out, he didn’t leave the HD mounting bracket. No worries, there is two more still left in the case.
That’s going to be my fall/winter project: PC in the Mac’s case, running Ubuntu 64bit, whatever version is going to be the most recent, probably 9.10. I wont finish it before the release date, that’s for sure.
I was going through some old notes today. Found cute little piece of the php code. Here’s to try wordpress’ sourcecode tag:
$self = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (isset($_COOKIE['style'])) { $stil = $_COOKIE['style']; } else { $stil = 'default'; } if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) { $lang = $_COOKIE['lang']; } else { $lang = 'en'; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $_POST['pazi'] == 'sad') { setcookie('style',$_POST['izbor'],time()+6000000,'/'); Header("Location:$self"); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && (isset($_GET['ln']))) { setcookie('lang',$_GET['ln'],time()+6000000,'/'); Header("Location:$self"); }
Looks like it works, eh? How about some arduino code?
/* Blink Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. The circuit: * LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground. * Note: On most Arduino boards, there is already an LED on the board connected to pin 13, so you don't need any extra components for this example. Created 1 June 2005 By David Cuartielles based on an orginal by H. Barragan for the Wiring i/o board */ int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13 // The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } // the loop() method runs over and over again, // as long as the Arduino has power void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off delay(1000); // wait for a second }
Last night was our first hike/walk with Calgary Outdoor Club. Here are the pictures:
It was beautiful evening.
Then the city lights came on.
With the moon like this, we didn’t need flashlights.
Thanks, outdoorphil and the rest of the gang! See you soon, again!
Hey, I’ve just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04beta daily build (.img file dated April 4, 2009). Here is the link to daily-live/current. It might change, of course. Not link, but .img file.
When tried previously, with alphas and previous beta builds, didn’t have luck with wireless and touchpad. Wifi didn’t work, and touchpad was flaky.
I have to report that today everything works without tweaking. Will test further and post it here.
As found in Barbecues Galore 2009 flyer:
Planked, Sweet Mashed Potatoes
Peel and cube both kinds of potatoes and boil until tender (approx. 20 min). Add half the Parmesan , all the garlic, butter, cream, and sour cream. Mash it up. Arrange the potato mash onto the plank. Grill using indirect medium/high heat for about 25 min. Remove and top with the rest of the cheese and some greens (parsley, chives, etc.) so it looks pretty. Some salt and pepper to taste. Serve on the plank, blah, blah, blah, …
Pork Tenderloin with vaguely exotic spice rub
Mash up the rub ingredients with a mortar and pestle. Work the rub into the tenderloins and let sit for an hour or two. Grill on a medium heat for approx. 20 min. Let rest before slicing – against the grain – and serve.
Blind Bananas
Melt butter in the saucepan, add spices, sugar, and rum. Heat on low, stir, and let thicken. Cut bananas lengthwise leaving the skin on. Brush half the thickened sauce on the bananas and place them, skin side up, on the barbecue for about two minutes. Flip them over and grill them, skin side down, for another two minutes. Remove from grill, slip the bananas out of their skins and serve with ice cream, some berries and the remaining sauce.
Note: that’s the original recipe. I used what I had on hand. Instead of cinnamon, allspice, and ground cloves I put 1/2 tsp of spice for mulched wine. Didn’t have the berries, too, but it was good, nevertheless. Also, 1 Tbsp of butter per 1 banana is little bit too much (or I should let it thicken little bit more than I did). Rum is never too much!